QT -= gui QT += xml TEMPLATE = lib DEFINES += MATH_LIBRARY TARGET = gtl_math CONFIG += c++11 # You can make your code fail to compile if it uses deprecated APIs. # In order to do so, uncomment the following line. #DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0 SOURCES += \ $$(DSPFILTERSPATH)/source/Bessel.cpp \ $$(DSPFILTERSPATH)/source/Biquad.cpp \ $$(DSPFILTERSPATH)/source/Butterworth.cpp \ $$(DSPFILTERSPATH)/source/Cascade.cpp \ $$(DSPFILTERSPATH)/source/ChebyshevI.cpp \ $$(DSPFILTERSPATH)/source/ChebyshevII.cpp \ $$(DSPFILTERSPATH)/source/Custom.cpp \ $$(DSPFILTERSPATH)/source/Design.cpp \ $$(DSPFILTERSPATH)/source/Documentation.cpp \ $$(DSPFILTERSPATH)/source/Elliptic.cpp \ $$(DSPFILTERSPATH)/source/Filter.cpp \ $$(DSPFILTERSPATH)/source/Legendre.cpp \ $$(DSPFILTERSPATH)/source/Param.cpp \ $$(DSPFILTERSPATH)/source/PoleFilter.cpp \ $$(DSPFILTERSPATH)/source/RBJ.cpp \ $$(DSPFILTERSPATH)/source/RootFinder.cpp \ $$(DSPFILTERSPATH)/source/State.cpp \ gtl_math.cpp \ gtl_math_ampl.cpp \ gtl_math_analog_value.cpp \ gtl_math_apfc.cpp \ gtl_math_cross_spec.cpp \ gtl_math_delta_phase.cpp \ gtl_math_delta_phase_spec.cpp \ gtl_math_diff.cpp \ gtl_math_fft.cpp \ gtl_math_filter_iir.cpp \ gtl_math_intg.cpp \ gtl_math_kurt.cpp \ gtl_math_max.cpp \ gtl_math_min.cpp \ gtl_math_octv.cpp \ gtl_math_offset.cpp \ gtl_math_osc_meas.cpp \ gtl_math_peak.cpp \ gtl_math_peak_to_peak.cpp \ gtl_math_rms.cpp \ gtl_math_freq.cpp \ gtl_math_spec.cpp \ gtl_math_spec_meas.cpp \ gtl_math_sum.cpp \ gtl_math_var.cpp HEADERS += \ gtl_math.h \ gtl_math_ampl.h \ gtl_math_analog_value.h \ gtl_math_apfc.h \ gtl_math_cross_spec.h \ gtl_math_delta_phase.h \ gtl_math_delta_phase_spec.h \ gtl_math_diff.h \ gtl_math_fft.h \ gtl_math_filter_iir.h \ gtl_math_intg.h \ gtl_math_kurt.h \ gtl_math_max.h \ gtl_math_min.h \ gtl_math_octv.h \ gtl_math_offset.h \ gtl_math_osc_meas.h \ gtl_math_peak.h \ gtl_math_peak_to_peak.h \ gtl_math_rms.h \ gtl_math_freq.h \ gtl_math_spec.h \ gtl_math_spec_meas.h \ gtl_math_sum.h \ gtl_math_var.h \ math_global.h # Default rules for deployment. unix { target.path = /usr/lib } !isEmpty(target.path): INSTALLS += target win32:CONFIG(release, debug|release): DESTDIR = ../.output/release else:win32:CONFIG(debug, debug|release): DESTDIR = ../.output/debug else:unix: DESTDIR = ../../.ouput win32:CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$PWD/../.output/release/ -lgtl_core else:win32:CONFIG(debug, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$PWD/../.output/debug/ -lgtl_core else:unix: LIBS += -L$$PWD/../.output/ -lgtl_core INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../ DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../ INCLUDEPATH += $$(FFTWPATH) LIBS += -L$$(FFTWPATH) -llibfftw3-3 \ -L$$(FFTWPATH) -llibfftw3f-3 \ -L$$(FFTWPATH) -llibfftw3l-3 \ INCLUDEPATH += $$(DSPFILTERSPATH)/include DEPENDPATH += $$(DSPFILTERSPATH)/include