
114 lines
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#ifndef FFTCodeH
#define FFTCodeH
#define M_2PI 6.28318530717958647692
#define MAXIMUM_FFT_SIZE 1048576
// Must retain the order on the 1st line for legacy FIR code.
typedef enum {wtFIRSTWINDOW = 0, wtNONE, wtKAISER, wtSINC, wtHANNING,
wtGAUSS, wtSINE, wtTEST } TWindowType;
typedef enum {FORWARD = 0, INVERSE} TTransFormType;
int RequiredFFTSize(int NumPts);
int IsValidFFTSize(int x);
//void FFT(double *InputR, double *InputI, int N, TTransFormType Type);
void ReArrangeInput(double *InputR, double *InputI, double *BufferR, double *BufferI, int *RevBits, int N);
void FillTwiddleArray(double *TwiddleR, double *TwiddleI, int N, TTransFormType Type);
void Transform(double *InputR, double *InputI, double *BufferR, double *BufferI, double *TwiddleR, double *TwiddleI, int N);
void DFT(double *InputR, double *InputI, int N, int Type);
void RealSigDFT(double *Samples, double *OutputR, double *OutputI, int N);
double SingleFreqDFT(double *Samples, int N, double Omega);
double Goertzel(double *Samples, int N, double Omega);
void WindowData(double *Data, int N, TWindowType WindowType, double Alpha, double Beta, bool UnityGain);
double Bessel(double x);
double Sinc(double x);
// This algorithm is a bit faster than the one in the cpp file.
// For some reason, it is faster to calculate the next twiddle factor with recursion
// than it is to access the Twiddle arrays. It is also faster to use the Sum and Twid
// variables in the inner loop rather than the Output and Twiddle arrays.
// 256 pts in 540 ms
void RealSigDFT(double *Samples, double *OutputR, double *OutputI, int N)
int j, k;
double Arg, Temp, zReal, zImag, TwidR, TwidI; // z, as in e^(j*omega)
double SumReal, SumImag;
static double *TwiddleReal, *TwiddleImag;
static int M = -1;
// This calculates the twiddle factors on the 1st call or when N changes.
if(M != N)
if(M != -1) // M = -1 on the 1st call.
delete[] TwiddleReal;
delete[] TwiddleImag;
M = N;
TwiddleReal = new(std::nothrow) double[N];
TwiddleImag = new(std::nothrow) double[N];
if(TwiddleReal == NULL || TwiddleImag == NULL)
ShowMessage("Failed to allocate memory in FIRFreqResponse");
for(j=0; j<N; j++)
Arg = M_2PI * (double)j / (double)N;
TwiddleReal[j] = cos(Arg);
TwiddleImag[j] = -sin(Arg);
// We have a real input, so only do the pos frequencies. i.e. j<N/2
for(j=0; j<N/2; j++)
zReal = 1.0;
zImag = 0.0;
SumReal = 0.0;
SumImag = 0.0;
TwidR = TwiddleReal[j];
TwidI = TwiddleImag[j];
for(k=0; k<N; k++)
SumReal += Samples[k] * zReal;
SumImag += Samples[k] * zImag;
// Calc the next twiddle factor recursively.
Temp = zReal * TwidR - zImag * TwidI;
zImag = zReal * TwidI + zImag * TwidR;
zReal = Temp;
OutputR[j] = SumReal / (double)N;
OutputI[j] = SumImag / (double)N;
// The neg freq components are the conj of the pos components because the input signal is real.
for(j=1; j<N/2; j++)
OutputR[N-j] = OutputR[j];
OutputI[N-j] = -OutputI[j];