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new file: .cproject new file: .gitignore new file: .mxproject new file: .project new file: .settings/com.atollic.truestudio.debug.hardware_device.prefs new file: .settings/language.settings.xml new file: .settings/org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.prefs new file: .settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs new file: A141 Amplifier.elf.launch new file: Amplifier.elf.launch new file: Amplifier.ioc new file: Core/Inc/flash.h new file: Core/Inc/gpio.h new file: Core/Inc/main.h new file: Core/Inc/my.h new file: Core/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_conf.h new file: Core/Inc/stm32l0xx_it.h new file: Core/Inc/tim.h new file: Core/Inc/usart.h new file: Core/Src/amplif.c new file: Core/Src/flash.c new file: Core/Src/gpio.c new file: Core/Src/main.c new file: Core/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_msp.c new file: Core/Src/stm32l0xx_it.c new file: Core/Src/syscalls.c new file: Core/Src/system_stm32l0xx.c new file: Core/Src/tim.c new file: Core/Src/usart.c new file: Debug/A141 Amplifier.list new file: Debug/A141 Amplifier.map new file: Debug/Amplifier.list new file: Debug/Amplifier.map new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L0xx/Include/stm32l072xx.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L0xx/Include/stm32l0xx.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L0xx/Include/system_stm32l0xx.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_armcc.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_armclang.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_iccarm.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_armv8mbl.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_armv8mml.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm0.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm0plus.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm1.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm23.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm33.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm4.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm7.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_sc000.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_sc300.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv8.h new file: Drivers/CMSIS/Include/tz_context.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_cortex.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_def.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_dma.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_exti.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_flash.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_flash_ex.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_gpio.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_gpio_ex.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_i2c.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_i2c_ex.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_pwr.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_pwr_ex.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_rcc.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_rcc_ex.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_tim.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_tim_ex.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_uart.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l0xx_hal_uart_ex.h new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l0xx_hal.c new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_cortex.c new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_dma.c new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_exti.c new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_flash.c new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_flash_ex.c new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.c new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_gpio.c new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_i2c.c new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_i2c_ex.c new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_pwr.c new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_pwr_ex.c new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_rcc.c new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_rcc_ex.c new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_tim.c new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_tim_ex.c new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_uart.c new file: Drivers/STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l0xx_hal_uart_ex.c new file: STM32L072CB_FLASH.ld new file: startup/startup_stm32l072xx.s
2023-12-19 15:23:01 +03:00
* @file stm32l0xx_hal_gpio_ex.h
* @author MCD Application Team
* @brief Header file of GPIO HAL Extension module.
* @attention
* <h2><center>&copy; Copyright(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.</center></h2>
* This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
* the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __STM32L0xx_HAL_GPIO_EX_H
#define __STM32L0xx_HAL_GPIO_EX_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32l0xx_hal_def.h"
/** @addtogroup STM32L0xx_HAL_Driver
* @{
/** @defgroup GPIOEx GPIOEx
* @{
/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Exported_Constants GPIOEx Exported Constants
* @{
/*------------------------- STM32L083xx/STM32L073xx---------------------------*/
#if defined (STM32L083xx) || defined (STM32L073xx)
/* The table below gives an overview of the different alternate functions per port.
* For more details refer yourself to the product data sheet.
/* | AF0 | AF1 | AF2 | AF3 | AF4 | AF5 | AF6 | AF7 |
* PA0 | | |TIM2_C1 |TSC |USART2 |TIM2_TR |USART4 |COMP1 |
* PA3 |TIM21_C2|LCD |TIM2_C4 |TSC |USART2 | |LPUART1 | |
* PA4 |SPI1 | | |TSC |USART2 |TIM22_TR| | |
* PA5 |SPI1 | |TIM2_TR |TSC | |TIM2_C1 | | |
* PA9 |MCO |LCD | |TSC |USART1 | |I2C1 |I2C3 |
* PA10| |LCD | |TSC |USART1 | |I2C1 | |
* PA13|SWDIO | |USB | | | |LPUART1 | |
* PA14|SWCLK | | | |USART2 | |LPUART1 | |
* PB0 |EVENTOUT|LCD |TIM3_C3 |TSC | | | | |
* PB1 | |LCD |TIM3_C4 |TSC |LPUART1 | | | |
* PB2 | | |LPTIM1_O|TSC | | | |I2C3 |
* PB4 |SPI1 |LCD |TIM3_C1 |TSC |TIM22_C1|USART1 |USART5 |I2C3 |
* PB5 |SPI1 |LCD |LPTIM1_I|I2C1 |TIM3_C2 |USART1 |USART5 | |
* | | | | |TIM22_C2| | | |
* PB6 |USART1 |I2C1 |LPTIM1_T|TSC | | | | |
* PB7 |USART1 |I2C1 |LPTIM1_I|TSC | | |USART4 | |
* PB8 | |LCD | |TSC |I2C1 | | | |
* PB9 | |LCD |EVENTOUT| |I2C1 |SPI2 | | |
* PB10| |LCD |TIM2_C3 |TSC |LPUART1 |SPI2 |I2C2 |LPUART1 |
* PB13|SPI2 |LCD |MCO |TSC |LPUART1 |I2C2 |TIM21_C1| |
* PB14|SPI2 |LCD |RTC |TSC |LPUART1 |I2C2 |TIM21_C2| |
* PB15|SPI2 |LCD |RTC | | | | | |
* PC2 |LPTIM1_I|LCD |SPI2 |TSC | | | | |
* PC3 |LPTIM1_T|LCD |SPI2 |TSC | | | | |
* PC4 |EVENTOUT|LCD |LPUART1 | | | | | |
* PC5 | |LCD |LPUART1 |TSC | | | | |
* PC6 |TIM22_C1|LCD |TIM3_C1 |TSC | | | | |
* PC7 |TIM22_C2|LCD |TIM3_C2 |TSC | | | | |
* PC8 |TIM22_TR|LCD |TIM3_C3 |TSC | | | | |
* PC9 |TIM21_TR|LCD |USB |TSC | | | |I2C3 |
* | | |TIM3_C4 | | | | | |
* PC10|LPUART1 |LCD | | | | |USART4 | |
* PC11|LPUART1 |LCD | | | | |USART4 | |
* PC12| |LCD |USART5 | | | |USART4 | |
* PC13| | | | | | | | |
* PC14| | | | | | | | |
* PC15| | | | | | | | |
* PD0 |TIM21_C1|SPI2 | | | | | | |
* PD1 | |SPI2 | | | | | | |
* PD2 |LPUART1 |LCD |TIM3_TR | | | |USART5 | |
* PD3 |USART2 |LCD |SPI2 | | | | | |
* PD4 |USART2 |SPI2 | | | | | | |
* PD5 |USART2 | | | | | | | |
* PD6 |USART2 | | | | | | | |
* PD7 |USART2 |TIM21_C2| | | | | | |
* PD8 |LPUART1 |LCD | | | | | | |
* PD9 |LPUART1 |LCD | | | | | | |
* PD10| |LCD | | | | | | |
* PD11|LPUART1 |LCD | | | | | | |
* PD12|LPUART1 |LCD | | | | | | |
* PD13| |LCD | | | | | | |
* PD14| |LCD | | | | | | |
* PD15|USB |LCD | | | | | | |
* PE0 | |LCD |EVENTOUT| | | | | |
* PE1 | |LCD |EVENTOUT| | | | | |
* PE2 | |LCD |TIM3_TR | | | | | |
* PE3 |TIM22_C1|LCD |TIM3_C1 | | | | | |
* PE4 |TIM22_C2| |TIM3_C2 | | | | | |
* PE5 |TIM21_C1| |TIM3_C3 | | | | | |
* PE6 |TIM21_C2| |TIM3_C4 | | | | | |
* PE7 | |LCD | | | | |USART5 | |
* PE8 | |LCD | | | | |USART4 | |
* PE9 |TIM2_C1 |LCD |TIM2_TR | | | |USART4 | |
* PE10|TIM2_C2 |LCD | | | | |USART5 | |
* PE11|TIM2_C3 | | | | | |USART5 | |
* PE12|TIM2_C4 | |SPI1 | | | | | |
* PE13| |LCD |SPI1 | | | | | |
* PE14| |LCD |SPI1 | | | | | |
* PE15| |LCD |SPI1 | | | | | |
* PH0 |USB | | | | | | | |
* PH1 | | | | | | | | |
* PH9 | | | | | | | | |
* PH10| | | | | | | | |
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Alternate_function_selection Alternate function selection
* @{
* Alternate function AF0
#define GPIO_AF0_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_MCO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* MCO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWDIO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWDIO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWCLK ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWCLK Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_USART1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_USB ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USB Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF1
#define GPIO_AF1_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_LCD ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* LCD Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF2
#define GPIO_AF2_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_TIM3 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* TIM3 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_MCO ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* MCO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_RTC ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* RTC Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_USART5 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* USART5 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_USB ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USB Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF3
#define GPIO_AF3_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF3_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF3_TSC ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* TSC Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF4
#define GPIO_AF4_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_USART1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* USART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping*/
#define GPIO_AF4_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_TIM3 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* TIM3 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF5
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_USART1 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* USART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_I2C2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* I2C2 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF6
#define GPIO_AF6_USART4 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* USART4 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_I2C2 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* I2C2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_USART5 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* USART5 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF7
#define GPIO_AF7_COMP1 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* COMP1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF7_COMP2 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* COMP2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF7_I2C3 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* I2C3 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF7_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
* @}
* @}
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Private GPIOEx Private
* @{
* IS_GPIO_AF macro definition
#define IS_GPIO_AF(AF) ((AF) <= (uint8_t)0x07)
* @}
#endif /* (STM32L083xx) || (STM32L073xx) */
/*------------------------- STM32L082xx and STM32L072xx-----------------------*/
#if defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L072xx)
/* The table below gives an overview of the different alternate functions per port.
* For more details refer yourself to the product data sheet.
/* | AF0 | AF1 | AF2 | AF3 | AF4 | AF5 | AF6 | AF7 |
* PA0 | | |TIM2_C1 |TSC |USART2 |TIM2_TR |USART4 |COMP1 |
* PA2 |TIM21_C1| |TIM2_C3 |TSC |USART2 | |LPUART1 |COMP2 |
* PA3 |TIM21_C2| |TIM2_C4 |TSC |USART2 | |LPUART1 | |
* PA4 |SPI1 | | |TSC |USART2 |TIM22_TR| | |
* PA5 |SPI1 | |TIM2_TR |TSC | |TIM2_C1 | | |
* PA7 |SPI1 | |TIM3_C2 |TSC | |TIM22_C2|EVENTOUT|COMP2 |
* PA8 |MCO | |USB |EVENTOUT|USART1 | | |I2C3 |
* PA9 |MCO | | |TSC |USART1 | |I2C1 |I2C3 |
* PA10| | | |TSC |USART1 | |I2C1 | |
* PA13|SWDIO | |USB | | | |LPUART1 | |
* PA14|SWCLK | | | |USART2 | |LPUART1 | |
* PB0 |EVENTOUT| |TIM3_C3 |TSC | | | | |
* PB1 | | |TIM3_C4 |TSC |LPUART1 | | | |
* PB2 | | |LPTIM1_O|TSC | | | |I2C3 |
* PB4 |SPI1 | |TIM3_C1 |TSC |TIM22_C1|USART1 |USART5 |I2C3 |
* PB5 |SPI1 | |LPTIM1_I|I2C1 |TIM3_C2 |USART1 |USART5 | |
* | | | | |TIM22_C2| | | |
* PB6 |USART1 |I2C1 |LPTIM1_T|TSC | | | | |
* PB7 |USART1 |I2C1 |LPTIM1_I|TSC | | |USART4 | |
* PB8 | | | |TSC |I2C1 | | | |
* PB9 | | |EVENTOUT| |I2C1 |SPI2 | | |
* PB10| | |TIM2_C3 |TSC |LPUART1 |SPI2 |I2C2 |LPUART1 |
* PB12|SPI2 | |LPUART1 |TSC | |I2C2 |EVENTOUT| |
* PB13|SPI2 | |MCO |TSC |LPUART1 |I2C2 |TIM21_C1| |
* PB14|SPI2 | |RTC |TSC |LPUART1 |I2C2 |TIM21_C2| |
* PB15|SPI2 | |RTC | | | | | |
* PC2 |LPTIM1_I| |SPI2 |TSC | | | | |
* PC3 |LPTIM1_T| |SPI2 |TSC | | | | |
* PC4 |EVENTOUT| |LPUART1 | | | | | |
* PC5 | | |LPUART1 |TSC | | | | |
* PC6 |TIM22_C1| |TIM3_C1 |TSC | | | | |
* PC7 |TIM22_C2| |TIM3_C2 |TSC | | | | |
* PC8 |TIM22_TR| |TIM3_C3 |TSC | | | | |
* PC9 |TIM21_TR| |USB |TSC | | | |I2C3 |
* | | |TIM3_C4 | | | | | |
* PC10|LPUART1 | | | | | |USART4 | |
* PC11|LPUART1 | | | | | |USART4 | |
* PC12| | |USART5 | | | |USART4 | |
* PC13| | | | | | | | |
* PC14| | | | | | | | |
* PC15| | | | | | | | |
* PD0 |TIM21_C1|SPI2 | | | | | | |
* PD1 | |SPI2 | | | | | | |
* PD2 |LPUART1 | |TIM3_TR | | | |USART5 | |
* PD3 |USART2 | |SPI2 | | | | | |
* PD4 |USART2 |SPI2 | | | | | | |
* PD5 |USART2 | | | | | | | |
* PD6 |USART2 | | | | | | | |
* PD7 |USART2 |TIM21_C2| | | | | | |
* PD8 |LPUART1 | | | | | | | |
* PD9 |LPUART1 | | | | | | | |
* PD10| | | | | | | | |
* PD11|LPUART1 | | | | | | | |
* PD12|LPUART1 | | | | | | | |
* PD13| | | | | | | | |
* PD14| | | | | | | | |
* PD15|USB | | | | | | | |
* PE0 | | |EVENTOUT| | | | | |
* PE1 | | |EVENTOUT| | | | | |
* PE2 | | |TIM3_TR | | | | | |
* PE3 |TIM22_C1| |TIM3_C1 | | | | | |
* PE4 |TIM22_C2| |TIM3_C2 | | | | | |
* PE5 |TIM21_C1| |TIM3_C3 | | | | | |
* PE6 |TIM21_C2| |TIM3_C4 | | | | | |
* PE7 | | | | | | |USART5 | |
* PE8 | | | | | | |USART4 | |
* PE9 |TIM2_C1 | |TIM2_TR | | | |USART4 | |
* PE10|TIM2_C2 | | | | | |USART5 | |
* PE11|TIM2_C3 | | | | | |USART5 | |
* PE12|TIM2_C4 | |SPI1 | | | | | |
* PE13| | |SPI1 | | | | | |
* PE14| | |SPI1 | | | | | |
* PE15| | |SPI1 | | | | | |
* PH0 |USB | | | | | | | |
* PH1 | | | | | | | | |
* PH9 | | | | | | | | |
* PH10| | | | | | | | |
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Alternate_function_selection Alternate function selection
* @{
* Alternate function AF0
#define GPIO_AF0_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_MCO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* MCO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWDIO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWDIO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWCLK ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWCLK Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_USART1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_USB ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USB Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF1
#define GPIO_AF1_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF2
#define GPIO_AF2_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_TIM3 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* TIM3 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_MCO ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* MCO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_RTC ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* RTC Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_USART5 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* USART5 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_USB ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USB Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF3
#define GPIO_AF3_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF3_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF3_TSC ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* TSC Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF4
#define GPIO_AF4_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_USART1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* USART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_TIM3 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* TIM3 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF5
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_USART1 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* USART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_I2C2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* I2C2 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF6
#define GPIO_AF6_USART4 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* USART4 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_I2C2 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* I2C2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_USART5 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* USART5 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF7
#define GPIO_AF7_COMP1 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* COMP1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF7_COMP2 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* COMP2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF7_I2C3 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* I2C3 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF7_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
* @}
* @}
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Private GPIOEx Private
* @{
* @brief IS_GPIO_AF macro definition
#define IS_GPIO_AF(AF) ((AF) <= (uint8_t)0x07)
* @}
#endif /* (STM32L082xx) || (STM32L072xx) */
/*------------------------- STM32L081xx and STM32L071xx-----------------------*/
#if defined (STM32L081xx) || defined (STM32L071xx)
/* The table below gives an overview of the different alternate functions per port.
* For more details refer yourself to the product data sheet.
/* | AF0 | AF1 | AF2 | AF3 | AF4 | AF5 | AF6 | AF7 |
* PA0 | | |TIM2_C1 | |USART2 |TIM2_TR |USART4 |COMP1 |
* PA2 |TIM21_C1| |TIM2_C3 | |USART2 | |LPUART1 |COMP2 |
* PA3 |TIM21_C2| |TIM2_C4 | |USART2 | |LPUART1 | |
* PA4 |SPI1 | | | |USART2 |TIM22_TR| | |
* PA5 |SPI1 | |TIM2_TR | | |TIM2_C1 | | |
* PA7 |SPI1 | |TIM3_C2 | | |TIM22_C2|EVENTOUT|COMP2 |
* PA8 |MCO | | |EVENTOUT|USART1 | | |I2C3 |
* PA9 |MCO | | | |USART1 | |I2C1 |I2C3 |
* PA10| | | | |USART1 | |I2C1 | |
* PA11|SPI1 | |EVENTOUT| |USART1 | |I2C2 |COMP1 |
* PA12|SPI1 | |EVENTOUT| |USART1 | |I2C2 |COMP2 |
* PA13|SWDIO | | | | | |LPUART1 | |
* PA14|SWCLK | | | |USART2 | |LPUART1 | |
* PB0 |EVENTOUT| |TIM3_C3 | | | | | |
* PB1 | | |TIM3_C4 | |LPUART1 | | | |
* PB2 | | |LPTIM1_O| | | | |I2C3 |
* PB4 |SPI1 | |TIM3_C1 | |TIM22_C1|USART1 |USART5 |I2C3 |
* PB5 |SPI1 | |LPTIM1_I|I2C1 |TIM3_C2 |USART1 |USART5 | |
* | | | | |TIM22_C2| | | |
* PB6 |USART1 |I2C1 |LPTIM1_T| | | | | |
* PB7 |USART1 |I2C1 |LPTIM1_I| | | |USART4 | |
* PB8 | | | | |I2C1 | | | |
* PB9 | | |EVENTOUT| |I2C1 |SPI2 | | |
* PB10| | |TIM2_C3 | |LPUART1 |SPI2 |I2C2 |LPUART1 |
* PB12|SPI2 | |LPUART1 | | |I2C2 |EVENTOUT| |
* PB13|SPI2 | |MCO | |LPUART1 |I2C2 |TIM21_C1| |
* PB14|SPI2 | |RTC | |LPUART1 |I2C2 |TIM21_C2| |
* PB15|SPI2 | |RTC | | | | | |
* PC0 |LPTIM1_I| |EVENTOUT| | | |LPUART1 |I2C3 |
* PC1 |LPTIM1_O| |EVENTOUT| | | |LPUART1 |I2C3 |
* PC2 |LPTIM1_I| |SPI2 | | | | | |
* PC3 |LPTIM1_T| |SPI2 | | | | | |
* PC4 |EVENTOUT| |LPUART1 | | | | | |
* PC5 | | |LPUART1 | | | | | |
* PC6 |TIM22_C1| |TIM3_C1 | | | | | |
* PC7 |TIM22_C2| |TIM3_C2 | | | | | |
* PC8 |TIM22_TR| |TIM3_C3 | | | | | |
* PC9 |TIM21_TR| | | | | | |I2C3 |
* | | |TIM3_C4 | | | | | |
* PC10|LPUART1 | | | | | |USART4 | |
* PC11|LPUART1 | | | | | |USART4 | |
* PC12| | |USART5 | | | |USART4 | |
* PC13| | | | | | | | |
* PC14| | | | | | | | |
* PC15| | | | | | | | |
* PD0 |TIM21_C1|SPI2 | | | | | | |
* PD1 | |SPI2 | | | | | | |
* PD2 |LPUART1 | |TIM3_TR | | | |USART5 | |
* PD3 |USART2 | |SPI2 | | | | | |
* PD4 |USART2 |SPI2 | | | | | | |
* PD5 |USART2 | | | | | | | |
* PD6 |USART2 | | | | | | | |
* PD7 |USART2 |TIM21_C2| | | | | | |
* PD8 |LPUART1 | | | | | | | |
* PD9 |LPUART1 | | | | | | | |
* PD10| | | | | | | | |
* PD11|LPUART1 | | | | | | | |
* PD12|LPUART1 | | | | | | | |
* PD13| | | | | | | | |
* PD14| | | | | | | | |
* PD15| | | | | | | | |
* PE0 | | |EVENTOUT| | | | | |
* PE1 | | |EVENTOUT| | | | | |
* PE2 | | |TIM3_TR | | | | | |
* PE3 |TIM22_C1| |TIM3_C1 | | | | | |
* PE4 |TIM22_C2| |TIM3_C2 | | | | | |
* PE5 |TIM21_C1| |TIM3_C3 | | | | | |
* PE6 |TIM21_C2| |TIM3_C4 | | | | | |
* PE7 | | | | | | |USART5 | |
* PE8 | | | | | | |USART4 | |
* PE9 |TIM2_C1 | |TIM2_TR | | | |USART4 | |
* PE10|TIM2_C2 | | | | | |USART5 | |
* PE11|TIM2_C3 | | | | | |USART5 | |
* PE12|TIM2_C4 | |SPI1 | | | | | |
* PE13| | |SPI1 | | | | | |
* PE14| | |SPI1 | | | | | |
* PE15| | |SPI1 | | | | | |
* PH0 | | | | | | | | |
* PH1 | | | | | | | | |
* PH9 | | | | | | | | |
* PH10| | | | | | | | |
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Alternate_function_selection Alternate function selection
* @{
* Alternate function AF0
#define GPIO_AF0_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_MCO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* MCO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWDIO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWDIO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWCLK ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWCLK Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_USART1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF1
#define GPIO_AF1_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF2
#define GPIO_AF2_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_TIM3 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* TIM3 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_MCO ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* MCO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_RTC ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* RTC Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_USART5 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* USART5 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF3
* @{
#define GPIO_AF3_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF3_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF4
#define GPIO_AF4_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_USART1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* USART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_TIM3 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* TIM3 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF5
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_USART1 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* USART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_I2C2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* I2C2 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF6
#define GPIO_AF6_USART4 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* USART4 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_I2C2 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* I2C2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_USART5 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* USART5 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF7
#define GPIO_AF7_COMP1 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* COMP1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF7_COMP2 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* COMP2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF7_I2C3 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* I2C3 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF7_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
* @}
* @}
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Private GPIOEx Private
* @{
* IS_GPIO_AF macro definition
#define IS_GPIO_AF(AF) ((AF) <= (uint8_t)0x07)
* @}
#endif /* (STM32L081xx) || (STM32L071xx) */
/*------------------------- STM32L053xx/STM32L063xx---------------------------*/
#if defined (STM32L053xx) || defined (STM32L063xx)
/* The table below gives an overview of the different alternate functions per port.
* For more details refer yourself to the product data sheet.
/* | AF0 | AF1 | AF2 | AF3 | AF4 | AF5 | AF6 | AF7 |
* PA0 | | |TIM2_C1 |TSC |USART2 |TIM2_TR | |COMP1 |
* PA2 |TIM21_C1|LCD |TIM2_C3 |TSC |USART2 | | |COMP2 |
* PA3 |TIM21_C2|LCD |TIM2_C4 |TSC |USART2 | | | |
* PA4 |SPI1 | | |TSC |USART2 |TIM22_TR| | |
* PA5 |SPI1 | |TIM2_TR |TSC | |TIM2_C1 | | |
* PA9 |MCO |LCD | |TSC |USART1 | | | |
* PA10| |LCD | |TSC |USART1 | | | |
* PA13|SWDIO | |USB | | | | | |
* PA14|SWCLK | | | |USART2 | | | |
* PB0 |EVENTOUT|LCD | |TSC | | | | |
* PB1 | |LCD | |TSC |LPUART1 | | | |
* PB2 | | |LPTIM1_O|TSC | | | | |
* PB3 |SPI1 |LCD |TIM2_C2 |TSC |EVENTOUT| | | |
* PB4 |SPI1 |LCD |EVENTOUT|TSC |TIM22_C1| | | |
* PB5 |SPI1 |LCD |LPTIM1_I|I2C1 |TIM22_C2| | | |
* PB6 |USART1 |I2C1 |LPTIM1_T|TSC | | | | |
* PB7 |USART1 |I2C1 |LPTIM1_I|TSC | | | | |
* PB8 | |LCD | |TSC |I2C1 | | | |
* PB9 | |LCD |EVENTOUT| |I2C1 |SPI2 | | |
* PB10| |LCD |TIM2_C3 |TSC |LPUART1 |SPI2 |I2C2 | |
* PB13|SPI2 |LCD | |TSC |LPUART1 |I2C2 |TIM21_C1| |
* PB14|SPI2 |LCD |RTC |TSC |LPUART1 |I2C2 |TIM21_C2| |
* PB15|SPI2 |LCD |RTC | | | | | |
* PC2 |LPTIM1_I|LCD |SPI2 |TSC | | | | |
* PC3 |LPTIM1_T|LCD |SPI2 |TSC | | | | |
* PC4 |EVENTOUT|LCD |LPUART | | | | | |
* PC5 | |LCD |LPUART |TSC | | | | |
* PC6 |TIM22_C1|LCD | |TSC | | | | |
* PC7 |TIM22_C2|LCD | |TSC | | | | |
* PC8 |TIM22_TR|LCD | |TSC | | | | |
* PC9 |TIM21_TR|LCD |USB |TSC | | | | |
* PC10|LPUART |LCD | | | | | | |
* PC11|LPUART |LCD | | | | | | |
* PC12| |LCD | | | | | | |
* PC13| | | | | | | | |
* PC14| | | | | | | | |
* PC15| | | | | | | | |
* PD2 |LPUART |LCD | | | | | | |
* PH0 |USB | | | | | | | |
* PH1 | | | | | | | | |
* *
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Alternate_function_selection Alternate function selection
* @{
* Alternate function AF0
#define GPIO_AF0_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_USART1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_USB ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USB Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TSC ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TSC Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_MCO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* MCO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWDIO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWDIO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWCLK ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWCLK Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF1
#define GPIO_AF1_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_LCD ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* LCD Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF2
#define GPIO_AF2_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_USB ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* USB Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_RTC ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* RTC Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF3
#define GPIO_AF3_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF3_TSC ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* TSC Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF3_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF4
#define GPIO_AF4_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_USART1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* USART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF5
#define GPIO_AF5_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_I2C2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* I2C2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF6
#define GPIO_AF6_I2C2 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* I2C2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF7
#define GPIO_AF7_COMP1 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* COMP1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF7_COMP2 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* COMP2 Alternate Function mapping */
* @}
* @}
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Private GPIOEx Private
* @{
* @brief IS_GPIO_AF macro definition
#define IS_GPIO_AF(AF) ((AF) <= (uint8_t)0x07)
* @}
#endif /* STM32L053xx || STM32L063xx */
/*------------------------- STM32L052xx/STM32L062xx---------------------------*/
#if defined (STM32L052xx) || defined (STM32L062xx)
/* The table below gives an overview of the different alternate functions per port.
* For more details refer yourself to the product data sheet.
/* | AF0 | AF1 | AF2 | AF3 | AF4 | AF5 | AF6 | AF7 |
* PA0 | | |TIM2_C1 |TSC |USART2 |TIM2_TR | |COMP1 |
* PA2 |TIM21_C1| |TIM2_C3 |TSC |USART2 | | |COMP2 |
* PA3 |TIM21_C2| |TIM2_C4 |TSC |USART2 | | | |
* PA4 |SPI1 | | |TSC |USART2 |TIM22_TR| | |
* PA5 |SPI1 | |TIM2_TR |TSC | |TIM2_C1 | | |
* PA7 |SPI1 | | |TSC | |TIM22_C2|EVENTOUT|COMP2 |
* PA8 |MCO | |USB |EVENTOUT|USART1 | | | |
* PA9 |MCO | | |TSC |USART1 | | | |
* PA10| | | |TSC |USART1 | | | |
* PA13|SWDIO | |USB | | | | | |
* PA14|SWCLK | | | |USART2 | | | |
* PA15|SPI1 | |TIM2_TR |EVENTOUT|USART2 |TIM2_C1 | | |
* PB0 |EVENTOUT| | |TSC | | | | |
* PB1 | | | |TSC |LPUART1 | | | |
* PB2 | | |LPTIM1_O|TSC | | | | |
* PB3 |SPI1 | |TIM2_C2 |TSC |EVENTOUT| | | |
* PB4 |SPI1 | |EVENTOUT|TSC |TIM22_C1| | | |
* PB5 |SPI1 | |LPTIM1_I|I2C1 |TIM22_C2| | | |
* PB6 |USART1 |I2C1 |LPTIM1_T|TSC | | | | |
* PB7 |USART1 |I2C1 |LPTIM1_I|TSC | | | | |
* PB8 | | | |TSC |I2C1 | | | |
* PB9 | | |EVENTOUT| |I2C1 |SPI2 | | |
* PB10| | |TIM2_C3 |TSC |LPUART1 |SPI2 |I2C2 | |
* PB11|EVENTOUT| |TIM2_C4 |TSC |LPUART1 | |I2C2 | |
* PB12|SPI2 | |LPUART1 |TSC | |I2C2 |EVENTOUT| |
* PB13|SPI2 | | |TSC |LPUART1 |I2C2 |TIM21_C1| |
* PB14|SPI2 | |RTC |TSC |LPUART1 |I2C2 |TIM21_C2| |
* PB15|SPI2 | |RTC | | | | | |
* PC0 |LPTIM1_I| |EVENTOUT|TSC | | | | |
* PC1 |LPTIM1_O| |EVENTOUT|TSC | | | | |
* PC2 |LPTIM1_I| |SPI2 |TSC | | | | |
* PC3 |LPTIM1_T| |SPI2 |TSC | | | | |
* PC4 |EVENTOUT| |LPUART | | | | | |
* PC5 | | |LPUART |TSC | | | | |
* PC6 |TIM22_C1| | |TSC | | | | |
* PC7 |TIM22_C2| | |TSC | | | | |
* PC8 |TIM22_TR| | |TSC | | | | |
* PC9 |TIM21_TR| |USB |TSC | | | | |
* PC10|LPUART | | | | | | | |
* PC11|LPUART | | | | | | | |
* PC12| | | | | | | | |
* PC13| | | | | | | | |
* PC14| | | | | | | | |
* PC15| | | | | | | | |
* PD2 |LPUART | | | | | | | |
* PH0 |USB | | | | | | | |
* PH1 | | | | | | | | |
* *
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Alternate_function_selection Alternate function selection
* @{
* Alternate function AF0
#define GPIO_AF0_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_USART1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_USB ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USB Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TSC ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TSC Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_MCO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* MCO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWDIO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWDIO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWCLK ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWCLK Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF1
#define GPIO_AF1_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF2
#define GPIO_AF2_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_USB ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* USB Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_RTC ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* RTC Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF3
#define GPIO_AF3_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF3_TSC ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* TSC Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF3_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF4
#define GPIO_AF4_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_USART1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* USART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF5
#define GPIO_AF5_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_I2C2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* I2C2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF6
#define GPIO_AF6_I2C2 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* I2C2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF7
#define GPIO_AF7_COMP1 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* COMP1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF7_COMP2 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* COMP2 Alternate Function mapping */
* @}
* @}
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Private GPIOEx Private
* @{
* @brief IS_GPIO_AF macro definition
#define IS_GPIO_AF(AF) ((AF) <= (uint8_t)0x07)
* @}
#endif /* STM32L052xx || STM32L062xx */
/*------------------------------- STM32L051xx---------------------------------*/
#if defined (STM32L051xx)
/* The table below gives an overview of the different alternate functions per port.
* For more details refer yourself to the product data sheet.
/* | AF0 | AF1 | AF2 | AF3 | AF4 | AF5 | AF6 | AF7 |
* PA0 | | |TIM2_C1 | |USART2 |TIM2_TR | |COMP1 |
* PA1 |EVENTOUT| |TIM2_C2 | |USART2 |TIM21_TR| | |
* PA2 |TIM21_C1| |TIM2_C3 | |USART2 | | |COMP2 |
* PA3 |TIM21_C2| |TIM2_C4 | |USART2 | | | |
* PA4 |SPI1 | | | |USART2 |TIM22_TR| | |
* PA5 |SPI1 | |TIM2_TR | | |TIM2_C1 | | |
* PA7 |SPI1 | | | | |TIM22_C2|EVENTOUT|COMP2 |
* PA8 |MCO | | |EVENTOUT|USART1 | | | |
* PA9 |MCO | | | |USART1 | | | |
* PA10| | | | |USART1 | | | |
* PA11|SPI1 | |EVENTOUT| |USART1 | | |COMP1 |
* PA12|SPI1 | |EVENTOUT| |USART1 | | |COMP2 |
* PA13|SWDIO | | | | | | | |
* PA14|SWCLK | | | |USART2 | | | |
* PA15|SPI1 | |TIM2_TR |EVENTOUT|USART2 |TIM2_C1 | | |
* PB0 |EVENTOUT| | | | | | | |
* PB1 | | | | |LPUART1 | | | |
* PB2 | | |LPTIM1_O| | | | | |
* PB3 |SPI1 | |TIM2_C2 | |EVENTOUT| | | |
* PB4 |SPI1 | |EVENTOUT| |TIM22_C1| | | |
* PB5 |SPI1 | |LPTIM1_I|I2C1 |TIM22_C2| | | |
* PB6 |USART1 |I2C1 |LPTIM1_T| | | | | |
* PB7 |USART1 |I2C1 |LPTIM1_I| | | | | |
* PB8 | | | | |I2C1 | | | |
* PB9 | | |EVENTOUT| |I2C1 |SPI2 | | |
* PB10| | |TIM2_C3 | |LPUART1 |SPI2 |I2C2 | |
* PB11|EVENTOUT| |TIM2_C4 | |LPUART1 | |I2C2 | |
* PB12|SPI2 | |LPUART1 | | |I2C2 |EVENTOUT| |
* PB13|SPI2 | | | |LPUART1 |I2C2 |TIM21_C1| |
* PB14|SPI2 | |RTC | |LPUART1 |I2C2 |TIM21_C2| |
* PB15|SPI2 | |RTC | | | | | |
* PC0 |LPTIM1_I| |EVENTOUT| | | | | |
* PC1 |LPTIM1_O| |EVENTOUT| | | | | |
* PC2 |LPTIM1_I| |SPI2 | | | | | |
* PC3 |LPTIM1_T| |SPI2 | | | | | |
* PC4 |EVENTOUT| |LPUART | | | | | |
* PC5 | | |LPUART | | | | | |
* PC6 |TIM22_C1| | | | | | | |
* PC7 |TIM22_C2| | | | | | | |
* PC8 |TIM22_TR| | | | | | | |
* PC9 |TIM21_TR| | | | | | | |
* PC10|LPUART | | | | | | | |
* PC11|LPUART | | | | | | | |
* PC12| | | | | | | | |
* PC13| | | | | | | | |
* PC14| | | | | | | | |
* PC15| | | | | | | | |
* PD2 |LPUART | | | | | | | |
* PH0 | | | | | | | | |
* PH1 | | | | | | | | |
* *
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Alternate_function_selection Alternate function selection
* @{
* Alternate function AF0
#define GPIO_AF0_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_USART1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_MCO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* MCO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWDIO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWDIO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWCLK ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWCLK Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF1
#define GPIO_AF1_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF2
#define GPIO_AF2_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_USB ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* USB Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_RTC ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* RTC Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF3
#define GPIO_AF3_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF3_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF4
#define GPIO_AF4_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_USART1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* USART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF5
#define GPIO_AF5_SPI2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* SPI2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_I2C2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* I2C2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF6
#define GPIO_AF6_I2C2 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* I2C2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF7
#define GPIO_AF7_COMP1 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* COMP1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF7_COMP2 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* COMP2 Alternate Function mapping */
* @}
* @}
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Private GPIOEx Private
* @{
* @brief IS_GPIO_AF macro definition
#define IS_GPIO_AF(AF) ((AF) <= (uint8_t)0x07)
* @}
#endif /* STM32L051xx */
/*------------------------- STM32L031xx/STM32L041xx---------------------------*/
#if defined (STM32L031xx)|| defined (STM32L041xx)
/* The table below gives an overview of the different alternate functions per port.
* For more details refer yourself to the product data sheet.
/* | AF0 | AF1 | AF2 | AF3 | AF4 | AF5 | AF6 | AF7 |
* PA0 | |LPTIM1 |TIM2_C1 | |USART2 |TIM2_TR | |COMP1 |
* PA2 |TIM21_C1| |TIM2_C3 | |USART2 | |LPUART1 |COMP2 |
* PA3 |TIM21_C2| |TIM2_C4 | |USART2 | |LPUART1 | |
* PA4 |SPI1 |LPTIM1 | | |USART2 |TIM22_TR| | |
* PA5 |SPI1 |LPTIM1 |TIM2_TR | | |TIM2_C1 | | |
* PA9 |MCO |I2C1 | | |USART2 |TIM22_C1| | |
* PA10| |I2C1 | | |USART2 |TIM22_C2| | |
* PA11|SPI1 | |EVENTOUT| |USART2 |TIM21_C2| |COMP1 |
* PA12|SPI1 | |EVENTOUT| |USART2 | | |COMP2 |
* PA13|SWDIO |LPTIM1 | | | | |LPUART1 | |
* PA14|SWCLK |LPTIM1 | |I2C1 |USART2 | |LPUART1 | |
* PA15|SPI1 | |TIM2_TR |EVENTOUT|USART2 |TIM2_C1 | | |
* PB0 |EVENTOUT|SPI1 | | |USART2 |TIM2_C3 | | |
* PB1 |USART2 |SPI1 | | |LPUART1 |TIM2_C4 | | |
* PB2 | | |LPTIM1_O| | | | | |
* PB3 |SPI1 | |TIM2_C2 | |EVENTOUT| | | |
* PB4 |SPI1 | |EVENTOUT| |TIM22_C1| | | |
* PB5 |SPI1 | |LPTIM1_I|I2C1 |TIM22_C2| | | |
* PB6 |USART2 |I2C1 |LPTIM1_T| | |TIM21_C1| | |
* PB7 |USART2 |I2C1 |LPTIM1_I| | | | | |
* PB8 | | | | |I2C1 | | | |
* PB9 | | |EVENTOUT| |I2C1 | | | |
* PB10| | |TIM2_C3 | | | |LPUART1 | |
* PB11|EVENTOUT| |TIM2_C4 | | | |LPUART1 | |
* PB12|SPI2 | | | | | |EVENTOUT| |
* PB13|SPI2 | |MCO | | |TIM21_C1|LPUART1 | |
* PB14|SPI2 | |RTC | | |TIM21_C2|LPUART1 | |
* PB15|SPI2 | |RTC | | | | | |
* PC0 |LPTIM1_I| |EVENTOUT| | | |LPUART1 | |
* PC13| | | | | | | | |
* PC14| | | | | | | | |
* PC15| | | | | | | | |
* PH0 | | | | | | | | |
* PH1 | | | | | | | | |
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Alternate_function_selection Alternate function selection
* @{
* Alternate function AF0
#define GPIO_AF0_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_MCO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* MCO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWDIO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWDIO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWCLK ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWCLK Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF1
#define GPIO_AF1_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF2
#define GPIO_AF2_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_MCO ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* MCO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_RTC ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* RTC Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF3
#define GPIO_AF3_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF3_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF4
#define GPIO_AF4_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF5
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF6
#define GPIO_AF6_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF7
#define GPIO_AF7_COMP1 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* COMP1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF7_COMP2 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* COMP2 Alternate Function mapping */
* @}
* @}
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Private GPIOEx Private
* @{
* @brief IS_GPIO_AF macro definition
#define IS_GPIO_AF(AF) ((AF) <= (uint8_t)0x07)
* @}
#endif /* STM32L031xx/STM32L041xx*/
/*------------------------- STM32L011xx/STM32L021xx---------------------------*/
#if defined (STM32L011xx)|| defined (STM32L021xx)
/* The table below gives an overview of the different alternate functions per port.
* For more details refer yourself to the product data sheet.
/* | AF0 | AF1 | AF2 | AF3 | AF4 | AF5 | AF6 | AF7 |
* PA2 |TIM21_C1 | |TIM2_C3 | |USART2_TX | |LPUART1_TX |COMP2_OUT|
* PA3 |TIM21_C2 | |TIM2_C4 | |USART2_RX | |LPUART1_RX | |
* PA5 |SPI1 |LPTIM1_IN2|TIM2_TR | | |TIM2_C1 | | |
*______________________________________________________________________________________ |
* PB0 |EVENTOUT |SPI1 |TIM2_C2 | |USART2_RTS|TIM2_C3 | | |
* PB2 | | |LPTIM1_O | | | | | |
* PB3 |SPI1 | |TIM2_C2 | |EVENTOUT | | | |
* PB4 |SPI1 | |EVENTOUT | | | | | |
* PB5 |SPI1 | |LPTIM1_I1|I2C1 | |TIM21_C1| | |
* PB6 |USART2_TX|I2C1_SCL |LPTIM1_T | | |TIM2_C3 |LPUART1_TX | |
* PB7 |USART2_RX|I2C1 |LPTIM1_I2| | |TIM2_C4 |LPUART1_RX | |
* PB8 |USART2_TX| |EVENTOUT | |I2C1 |SPI1 | | |
* PB9 | | | | | | | | |
*______________________________________________________________________________________ |
* PC14| | | | | | | | |
* PC15| | | | | | | | |
*______________________________________________________________________________________ |
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Alternate_function_selection Alternate function selection
* @{
* Alternate function AF0
#define GPIO_AF0_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_MCO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* MCO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWDIO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWDIO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWCLK ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWCLK Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF1
#define GPIO_AF1_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
/* Alternate function AF2
#define GPIO_AF2_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_RTC ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* RTC Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF3
#define GPIO_AF3_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF3_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF4
#define GPIO_AF4_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF5
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF6
#define GPIO_AF6_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF7
#define GPIO_AF7_COMP1 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* COMP1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF7_COMP2 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* COMP2 Alternate Function mapping */
* @}
* @}
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Private GPIOEx Private
* @{
* IS_GPIO_AF macro definition
#define IS_GPIO_AF(AF) ((AF) <= (uint8_t)0x07)
* @}
#endif /* STM32L011xx/STM32L021xx*/
/*----------------------------- STM32L010xB ----------------------------------*/
#if defined (STM32L010xB)
/* The table below gives an overview of the different alternate functions per port.
* For more details refer yourself to the product data sheet.
/* | AF0 | AF1 | AF2 | AF3 | AF4 | AF5 | AF6 | AF7 |
* PA0 | | |TIM2_CH1 | |USART2_CTS |TIM2_ETR | | |
* PA2 |TIM21_CH1 | |TIM2_CH3 | |USART2_TX | |LPUART1_TX | |
* PA3 |TIM21_CH2 | |TIM2_CH4 | |USART2_RX | |LPUART1_RX | |
* PA4 |SPI1_NSS | | | |USART2_CK |TIM22_ETR| | |
* PA5 |SPI1_SCK | |TIM2_ETR | | |TIM2_CH1 | | |
* PA7 |SPI1_MOSI | | | | |TIM22_CH2|EVENTOUT | |
* PA8 |MCO | | |EVENTOUT | | | | |
* PA9 |MCO | | | | | |I2C1_SCL | |
* PA10| | | | | | |I2C1_SDA | |
* PA11|SPI1_MISO | |EVENTOUT | | | | | |
* PA12|SPI1_MOSI | |EVENTOUT | | | | | |
* PA13|SWDIO | | | | | |LPUART1_RX | |
* PA14|SWCLK | | | |USART2_TX | |LPUART1_TX | |
* PB0 |EVENTOUT | | | | | | | |
* PB1 | | | | |LPUART1_RTS| | | |
* PB2 | | |LPTIM1_OUT | | | | | |
* PB3 |SPI1_SCK | |TIM2_CH2 | |EVENTOUT | | | |
* PB4 |SPI1_MISO | | | |TIM22_CH1 | | | |
* PB5 |SPI1_MOSI | |LPTIM1_IN1 |I2C1_SMBA|TIM22_CH2 | | | |
* PB6 | |I2C1_SCL |LPTIM1_ETR | | | | | |
* PB7 | |I2C1_SDA |LPTIM1_IN2 | | | | | |
* PB8 | | | | |I2C1_SCL | | | |
* PB9 | | |EVENTOUT | |I2C1_SDA | | | |
* PB10| | |TIM2_CH3 | |LPUART1_TX | | |LPUART1_RX|
* PB12| | |LPUART1_RTS| | | |EVENTOUT | |
* PB13| | |MCO | |LPUART1_CTS| |TIM21_CH1 | |
* PB14| | |RTC_OUT | |LPUART1_RTS| |TIM21_CH2 | |
* PB15| | |RTC_REFIN | | | | | |
* PC0 |LPTIM1_IN1 | |EVENTOUT | | | |LPUART1_RX | |
* PC2 |LPTIM1_IN2 | | | | | | | |
* PC3 |LPTIM1_ETR | | | | | | | |
* PC4 |EVENTOUT | |LPUART1_TX | | | | | |
* PC5 | | |LPUART1_RX | | | | | |
* PC6 |TIM22_CH1 | | | | | | | |
* PC7 |TIM22_CH2 | | | | | | | |
* PC8 |TIM22_ETR | | | | | | | |
* PC9 |TIM21_ETR | | | | | | | |
* PC10|LPUART1_TX | | | | | | | |
* PC11|LPUART1_RX | | | | | | | |
* PD2 |LPUART1_RTS| | | | | | | |
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Alternate_function_selection Alternate function selection
* @{
* Alternate function AF0
#define GPIO_AF0_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_MCO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* MCO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWDIO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWDIO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWCLK ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWCLK Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF1
#define GPIO_AF1_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF2
#define GPIO_AF2_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_MCO ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* MCO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_RTC ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* RTC Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF3
* @{
#define GPIO_AF3_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF3_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF4
#define GPIO_AF4_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF5
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM22 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM22 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF6
#define GPIO_AF6_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF7
#define GPIO_AF7_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
* @}
* @}
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Private GPIOEx Private
* @{
* IS_GPIO_AF macro definition
#define IS_GPIO_AF(AF) ((AF) <= (uint8_t)0x07)
* @}
#endif /* STM32L010xB */
/*------------------------- STM32L010x8 --------------------------------------*/
#if defined (STM32L010x8)
/* The table below gives an overview of the different alternate functions per port.
* For more details refer yourself to the product data sheet.
/* | AF0 | AF1 | AF2 | AF3 | AF4 | AF5 | AF6 |
* PA0 | | | TIM2_CH1 | | USART2_CTS | TIM2_ETR | |
* PA1 | EVENTOUT | | TIM2_CH2 | | USART2_RTS | TIM21_ETR | |
* PA2 | TIM21_CH1 | | TIM2_CH3 | | USART2_TX | | |
* PA3 | TIM21_CH2 | | TIM2_CH4 | | USART2_RX | | |
* PA4 | SPI1_NSS | | | | USART2_CK | | |
* PA5 | SPI1_SCK | | TIM2_ETR | | | TIM2_CH1 | |
* PA6 | SPI1_MISO | | | | LPUART1_CTS | | EVENTOUT |
* PA7 | SPI1_MOSI | | | | | | EVENTOUT |
* PA8 | MCO | | | EVENTOUT | | | |
* PA9 | MCO | | | | | | |
* PA10 | | | | | | | |
* PA11 | SPI1_MISO | | EVENTOUT | | | | |
* PA12 | SPI1_MOSI | | EVENTOUT | | | | |
* PA13 | SWDIO | | | | | | |
* PA14 | SWCLK | | | | USART2_TX | | |
* PA15 | SPI1_NSS | | TIM2_ETR | EVENTOUT | USART2_RX | TIM2_CH1 | |
* PB0 | EVENTOUT | | | | | | |
* PB1 | | | | | LPUART1_RTS | | |
* PB2 | | | LPTIM1_OUT | | | | |
* PB3 | SPI1_SCK | | TIM2_CH2 | | EVENTOUT | | |
* PB4 | SPI1_MISO | EVENTOUT | | | | | |
* PB5 | SPI1_MOSI | LPTIM1_IN1 | I2C1_SMBA | | | | |
* PB6 | | I2C1_SCL | LPTIM1_ETR | | | | |
* PB7 | | I2C1_SDA | LPTIM1_IN2 | | | | |
* PB8 | | | | | I2C1_SCL | | |
* PB9 | | | EVENTOUT | | I2C1_SDA | | |
* PB10 | | | TIM2_CH3 | | LPUART1_TX | | |
* PB11 | EVENTOUT | | TIM2_CH4 | | LPUART1_RX | | |
* PB12 | | | LPUART1_RTS | | | EVENTOUT | |
* PB13 | | | | | LPUART1_CTS | | TIM21_CH1 |
* PB14 | | | RTC_OUT | | LPUART1_RTS | | TIM21_CH2 |
* PB15 | | | RTC_REFIN | | | | |
* PC0 | LPTIM1_IN1 | | EVENTOUT | | | | |
* PC1 | LPTIM1_OUT | | EVENTOUT | | | | |
* PC2 | LPTIM1_IN2 | | | | | | |
* PC3 | LPTIM1_ETR | | | | | | |
* PC4 | EVENTOUT | | LPUART1_TX | | | | |
* PC5 | | | LPUART1_RX | | | | |
* PC9 | TIM21_ETR | | | | | | |
* PC10 | LPUART1_TX | | | | | | |
* PC11 | LPUART1_RX | | | | | | |
* PD2 | LPUART1_RTS | | | | | | |
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Alternate_function_selection Alternate function selection
* @{
* Alternate function AF0
#define GPIO_AF0_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_MCO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* MCO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWDIO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWDIO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWCLK ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWCLK Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF1
#define GPIO_AF1_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF2
#define GPIO_AF2_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_RTC ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* RTC Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF3
#define GPIO_AF3_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF3_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF4
#define GPIO_AF4_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF5
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF6
#define GPIO_AF6_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* @}
* @}
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Private GPIOEx Private
* @{
* @brief IS_GPIO_AF macro definition
#define IS_GPIO_AF(AF) ((AF) <= (uint8_t)0x06)
* @}
#endif /* STM32L010x8 */
/*------------------------- STM32L010x6 --------------------------------------*/
#if defined (STM32L010x6)
/* The table below gives an overview of the different alternate functions per port.
* For more details refer yourself to the product data sheet.
/* | AF0 | AF1 | AF2 | AF3 | AF4 | AF5 | AF6 |
* PA2 | TIM21_CH1 | | TIM2_CH3 | | USART2_TX | | LPUART1_TX |
* PA3 | TIM21_CH2 | | TIM2_CH4 | | USART2_RX | | LPUART1_RX |
* PA4 | SPI1_NSS | LPTIM1_IN1 | | | USART2_CK | | |
* PA5 | SPI1_SCK | LPTIM1_IN2 | TIM2_ETR | | | TIM2_CH1 | |
* PA8 | MCO | | LPTIM1_IN1 | EVENTOUT | USART2_CK | TIM2_CH1 | |
* PA9 | MCO | I2C1_SCL | | | USART2_TX | | |
* PA10 | | I2C1_SDA | | | USART2_RX | | |
* PA11 | SPI1_MISO | | EVENTOUT | | USART2_CTS | TIM21_CH2 | |
* PA12 | SPI1_MOSI | | EVENTOUT | | USART2_RTS | | |
* PA13 | SWDIO | LPTIM1_ETR | | | | | LPUART1_RX |
* PA15 | SPI1_NSS | | TIM2_ETR | EVENTOUT | USART2_RX | TIM2_CH1 | |
* PB0 | EVENTOUT | SPI1_MISO | | | USART2_RTS | TIM2_CH3 | |
* PB1 | USART2_CK | SPI1_MOSI | | | LPUART1_RTS | TIM2_CH4 | |
* PB2 | | | LPTIM1_OUT | | | | |
* PB3 | SPI1_SCK | | TIM2_CH2 | | EVENTOUT | | |
* PB4 | SPI1_MISO | | EVENTOUT | | | | |
* PB5 | SPI1_MOSI | LPTIM1_IN1 | I2C1_SMBA | | | | |
* PB6 | USART2_TX | I2C1_SCL | LPTIM1_ETR | | | TIM21_CH1 | |
* PB7 | USART2_RX | I2C1_SDA | LPTIM1_IN2 | | | | |
* PB8 | | | | | I2C1_SCL | | |
* PB9 | | | EVENTOUT | | I2C1_SDA | | |
* PB10 | | | TIM2_CH3 | | | | LPUART1_TX |
* PB11 | EVENTOUT | | TIM2_CH4 | | | | LPUART1_RX |
* PB12 | SPI1_NSS | | | | | | EVENTOUT |
* PB13 | SPI1_SCK | | MCO | | | TIM21_CH1 | LPUART1_CTS|
* PB14 | SPI1_MISO | | RTC_OUT | | | TIM21_CH2 | LPUART1_RTS|
* PB15 | SPI1_MOSI | | RTC_REFIN | | | | |
* PC0 | LPTIM1_IN1 | | EVENTOUT | | | | LPUART1_RX |
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Alternate_function_selection Alternate function selection
* @{
* Alternate function AF0
#define GPIO_AF0_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_MCO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* MCO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWDIO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWDIO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWCLK ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWCLK Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF1
#define GPIO_AF1_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF2
#define GPIO_AF2_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_MCO ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* MCO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_RTC ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* RTC Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF3
#define GPIO_AF3_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF3_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF4
#define GPIO_AF4_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF5
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF6
#define GPIO_AF6_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF6_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF7
#define GPIO_AF7_COMP1 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* COMP1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF7_COMP2 ((uint8_t)0x07U) /* COMP2 Alternate Function mapping */
* @}
* @}
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Private GPIOEx Private
* @{
* @brief IS_GPIO_AF macro definition
#define IS_GPIO_AF(AF) ((AF) <= (uint8_t)0x06)
* @}
#endif /* STM32L010x6 */
/*------------------------- STM32L010x4 --------------------------------------*/
#if defined (STM32L010x4)
/* The table below gives an overview of the different alternate functions per port.
* For more details refer yourself to the product data sheet.
/* | AF0 | AF1 | AF2 | AF3 | AF4 | AF5 | AF6 |
*_______________________________________________________________________ _________________________|
* PA2 | TIM21_CH1 | | TIM2_CH3 | | USART2_TX | | LPUART1_TX |
* PA3 | TIM21_CH2 | | TIM2_CH4 | | USART2_RX | | LPUART1_RX |
* PA5 | SPI1_SCK | LPTIM1_IN2 | TIM2_ETR | | | TIM2_CH1 | |
* PA8 | MCO | | LPTIM1_IN1 | EVENTOUT | USART2_CK | TIM2_CH1 | |
* PA9 | MCO | I2C1_SCL | LPTIM1_OUT | | USART2_TX | TIM21_CH2 | |
* PA10 | TIM21_CH1 | I2C1_SDA | RTC_REFIN | | USART2_RX | TIM2_CH3 | |
* PA12 | SPI1_MOSI | | EVENTOUT | | USART2_RTS | | |
* PA13 | SWDIO | LPTIM1_ETR | | I2C1_SDA | | SPI1_SCK | LPUART1_RX |
* PA15 | SPI1_NSS | | TIM2_ETR | EVENTOUT | USART2_RX | TIM2_CH1 | |
* PB3 | SPI1_SCK | | TIM2_CH2 | | EVENTOUT | | |
* PB4 | SPI1_MISO | | EVENTOUT | | | | |
* PB5 | SPI1_MOSI | | LPTIM1_IN1 | I2C1_SMBA | | TIM21_CH1 | |
* PB6 | USART2_TX | I2C1_SCL | LPTIM1_ETR | | | TIM2_CH3 | LPUART1_TX |
* PB7 | USART2_RX | I2C1_SDA | LPTIM1_IN2 | | | TIM2_CH4 | LPUART1_RX |
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Alternate_function_selection Alternate function selection
* @{
* Alternate function AF0
#define GPIO_AF0_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_MCO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* MCO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWDIO ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWDIO Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF0_SWCLK ((uint8_t)0x00U) /* SWCLK Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF1
#define GPIO_AF1_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF1_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x01U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
/* Alternate function AF2
#define GPIO_AF2_LPTIM1 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* LPTIM1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_RTC ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* RTC Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF2_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x02U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF3
#define GPIO_AF3_I2C1 ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* I2C1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF3_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF3_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF3_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x03U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF4
#define GPIO_AF4_USART2 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* USART2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF4_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x04U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF5
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM2 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM2 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_TIM21 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* TIM21 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_SPI1 ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* SPI1 Alternate Function mapping */
#define GPIO_AF5_EVENTOUT ((uint8_t)0x05U) /* EVENTOUT Alternate Function mapping */
* Alternate function AF6
#define GPIO_AF6_LPUART1 ((uint8_t)0x06U) /* LPUART1 Alternate Function mapping */
* @}
* @}
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Private GPIOEx Private
* @{
* IS_GPIO_AF macro definition
#define IS_GPIO_AF(AF) ((AF) <= (uint8_t)0x06)
* @}
#endif /* STM32L010x4*/
#if defined (STM32L083xx) || defined (STM32L082xx) || defined (STM32L081xx) || \
defined (STM32L073xx) || defined (STM32L072xx) || defined (STM32L071xx) || \
defined (STM32L010xB)
/** @addtogroup GPIOEx_Exported_Constants
* @{
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Pin_Available Pin available
* @{
* @}
* @}
/** @addtogroup GPIOEx_Private
* @{
#define GPIO_GET_INDEX(__GPIOx__) (((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOA))? 0U :\
((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOB))? 1U :\
((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOC))? 2U :\
((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOD))? 3U :\
((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOE))? 4U :\
((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOH))? 5U : 6U)
((((__INSTANCE__) == GPIOA) && (((__PIN__) & (GPIOA_PIN_AVAILABLE)) != 0U) && (((__PIN__) | (GPIOA_PIN_AVAILABLE)) == (GPIOA_PIN_AVAILABLE))) || \
(((__INSTANCE__) == GPIOB) && (((__PIN__) & (GPIOB_PIN_AVAILABLE)) != 0U) && (((__PIN__) | (GPIOB_PIN_AVAILABLE)) == (GPIOB_PIN_AVAILABLE))) || \
(((__INSTANCE__) == GPIOC) && (((__PIN__) & (GPIOC_PIN_AVAILABLE)) != 0U) && (((__PIN__) | (GPIOC_PIN_AVAILABLE)) == (GPIOC_PIN_AVAILABLE))) || \
(((__INSTANCE__) == GPIOD) && (((__PIN__) & (GPIOD_PIN_AVAILABLE)) != 0U) && (((__PIN__) | (GPIOD_PIN_AVAILABLE)) == (GPIOD_PIN_AVAILABLE))) || \
(((__INSTANCE__) == GPIOE) && (((__PIN__) & (GPIOE_PIN_AVAILABLE)) != 0U) && (((__PIN__) | (GPIOE_PIN_AVAILABLE)) == (GPIOE_PIN_AVAILABLE))) || \
* @}
#elif defined (STM32L031xx) || defined (STM32L041xx) || defined (STM32L010x6)
/** @addtogroup GPIOEx_Exported_Constants
* @{
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Pin_Available Pin available
* @{
* @}
* @}
/** @addtogroup GPIOEx_Private
* @{
#define GPIO_GET_INDEX(__GPIOx__) (((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOA))? 0U :\
((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOB))? 1U :\
((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOC))? 2U :\
((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOH))? 5U : 6U)
((((__INSTANCE__) == GPIOA) && (((__PIN__) & (GPIOA_PIN_AVAILABLE)) != 0U) && (((__PIN__) | (GPIOA_PIN_AVAILABLE)) == (GPIOA_PIN_AVAILABLE))) || \
(((__INSTANCE__) == GPIOB) && (((__PIN__) & (GPIOB_PIN_AVAILABLE)) != 0U) && (((__PIN__) | (GPIOB_PIN_AVAILABLE)) == (GPIOB_PIN_AVAILABLE))) || \
(((__INSTANCE__) == GPIOC) && (((__PIN__) & (GPIOC_PIN_AVAILABLE)) != 0U) && (((__PIN__) | (GPIOC_PIN_AVAILABLE)) == (GPIOC_PIN_AVAILABLE))) || \
* @}
#elif defined (STM32L011xx) || defined (STM32L021xx) || defined (STM32L010x4)
/** @addtogroup GPIOEx_Exported_Constants
* @{
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Pin_Available Pin available
* @{
* @}
* @}
/** @addtogroup GPIOEx_Private
* @{
#define GPIO_GET_INDEX(__GPIOx__) (((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOA))? 0U :\
((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOB))? 1U :\
((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOC))? 2U : 6U)
((((__INSTANCE__) == GPIOA) && (((__PIN__) & (GPIOA_PIN_AVAILABLE)) != 0U) && (((__PIN__) | (GPIOA_PIN_AVAILABLE)) == (GPIOA_PIN_AVAILABLE))) || \
(((__INSTANCE__) == GPIOB) && (((__PIN__) & (GPIOB_PIN_AVAILABLE)) != 0U) && (((__PIN__) | (GPIOB_PIN_AVAILABLE)) == (GPIOB_PIN_AVAILABLE))) || \
* @}
#elif defined (STM32L063xx) || defined (STM32L062xx) || defined (STM32L053xx) || \
defined (STM32L052xx) || defined (STM32L051xx) || defined (STM32L010x8)
/** @addtogroup GPIOEx_Exported_Constants
* @{
/** @defgroup GPIOEx_Pin_Available Pin available
* @{
* @}
* @}
/** @addtogroup GPIOEx_Private
* @{
#define GPIO_GET_INDEX(__GPIOx__) (((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOA))? 0U :\
((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOB))? 1U :\
((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOC))? 2U :\
((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOD))? 3U :\
((__GPIOx__) == (GPIOH))? 5U : 6U)
((((__INSTANCE__) == GPIOA) && (((__PIN__) & (GPIOA_PIN_AVAILABLE)) != 0U) && (((__PIN__) | (GPIOA_PIN_AVAILABLE)) == (GPIOA_PIN_AVAILABLE))) || \
(((__INSTANCE__) == GPIOB) && (((__PIN__) & (GPIOB_PIN_AVAILABLE)) != 0U) && (((__PIN__) | (GPIOB_PIN_AVAILABLE)) == (GPIOB_PIN_AVAILABLE))) || \
(((__INSTANCE__) == GPIOC) && (((__PIN__) & (GPIOC_PIN_AVAILABLE)) != 0U) && (((__PIN__) | (GPIOC_PIN_AVAILABLE)) == (GPIOC_PIN_AVAILABLE))) || \
(((__INSTANCE__) == GPIOD) && (((__PIN__) & (GPIOD_PIN_AVAILABLE)) != 0U) && (((__PIN__) | (GPIOD_PIN_AVAILABLE)) == (GPIOD_PIN_AVAILABLE))) || \
* @}
#endif /* STM32L083xx || STM32L082xx || STM32L081xx || STM32L073xx || STM32L072xx || STM32L071xx*/
* @}
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __STM32L0xx_HAL_GPIO_EX_H */
/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/